Dr. Katina Matthews-Ferrari, PhD - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
“Parents have always asked me for suggestions on games, toys and programs that would help them understand how their children learn and that would benefit their learning. Unlike conventional and expensive products, The Edge Learning Toy will be simple, understandable and accessible.” |
Lori Davis - Founder, Juice Buds
"As a mom of four boys, I know the importance of starting them off learning the right way early on in their life. I've tried all sorts of products and spent countless amounts of hours and money to help my boys grow, develop and learn. The Edge Learning Toy takes away all of the worry and hassle of making sure our kids are getting the learning tools they need. This amazing learning toy should be in every home with kids." |
Johnny Katona - Father "As a single father of a 5 year old boy I need all the help I can get to determine what’s best educationally for my son. With the Budding Brilliance Edge Learning Toy I know that I will get the information I need to help my son be the best he can be in school and in life. No more guesswork and no more spending money on toys and services that don’t benefit him. I’m excited to have The Edge Learning Toy in my home and watch my son grow into the well-educated man I want him to become. Thanks Budding Brilliance." |
Wendy Reiter - Director of Guidance at an Independent New York City School
"As someone who has spent her entire professional life working closely with adolescents and their parents, I now feel more than ever, the importance of parents developing a deep understanding of their child's best learning styles and preferences at the earliest possible age. The earlier you're able to identify how your child learns best, the greater the likelihood you, as parents, will be able to provide the optimum learning environment. In doing this, you will exponentially maximize your child's academic experience and success." |